Hey babes!
It's been a hot minute since I last wrote a blog post on here!
Things have been quite busy over here on my end...but I'm so excited to
bring you this one today!
Today, I'm featuring one of my awesome client's : Kristi
Kristi, who's originally from Alberta Canada, now residing in our beautiful city of Vancouver, was looking to elevate her current wardrobe. She's a fun loving spirit, with a zest for life! You'll find her rollerskating and teaching fitness classes on the weekends and working as a leading business to business sales representative for one of the largest tech firms in BC, Canada.
She came to me right as she right as she was transitioning from her last job position in the construction sector and needed to make a big positive change in the right direction. With her last job, she was feeling uninspired and her talents weren't being fully represented. Naturally, as a boss-ass-babe, she started looking for better opportunities, so she could flourish in a role more suited to her.
At that time her wardrobe style leaned more on the 'althesure', comfort cozy (lulu lemons &
t-shirts etc) 'you get my drift' ? I wanted to show her that she could elevate her look into something even more spectacular, even if she was on a budget.
Before our session, I sent her a bit of homework, which consisted of filling out my style quiz, so she could determine her SPPT (Style Profile Personality Type)
Her results came back and she is an : ‘EXPRESSIVE’
"An EXPRESSIVE personality is highly creative, outgoing with a uplifted + outward energy. Their enthusiastic nature ‘lights up’ the room"
With her SPPT in mind, it was important to highlight her uniqueness and positive qualities in her outfits. We met up a week before her big interview...and i'm so glad we did! The timing could not have been better. I immediately went through her closet and pulled 3 different interview outfits from what she owned. She took my advice and landed the job!
We then decided that what she really needed was
a 'Wardrobe Refresh/Remix', plus my 'Shop & Style' session,
which is the combo 'The Complete Package'
After going through what she already owned with my 'Wardrobe Essentials' list, we determed which pieces she should keep and which to let go of. Once we took inventory of what she needed to complete her wardrobe, we were then ready to go shopping!
I decided that it would be the most beneficial to her budget and style needs to head up Winner's & Marshall's. We had a fantastic session and had so much success that day!
We found some incredibly versatile pieces that totally complemented her 'EXPRESSIVE' style and colour palette, as well as completed her basic wardrobe needs.
Here's a quick clip of our 'Shop & Style' session together!
After our 'Shop & Style' we went back to her place to put it all together with a 'Style It Up' session. Finding different creative ways to mix and match, as well as accessorize, to maximize and add mileage to the pieces.
Check out the 'Style Makeover' below for her 'Before & After' results!
You can see right away in the video, that her personality, posture & smile exude so much confidence and fabulousness in her SPPT (see above) : EXPRESSIVE-ness !
I used colour, print and texture as a way to communicate her authentic ‘vibe’
'Style Makeover // Before & After' video below!
Here's what Kristi had to say about her experience working with me & 'The Complete Style Package'
I was feeling lost with my wardrobe for the past few years, with a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear. After working with Karina I've had a total shift and am excited again about the clothing in my closet, and what I get to wear to work everyday. I started with a personality/style assessment, then Karina and I went through my closet and I purged lots of items that I was hanging on to that didn't make me feel good, AND I realized that I do have some great pieces to work with. The best part, though, was the personal shopping experience.
Shopping used to leave me feeling frustrated and depressed, but working with Karina I had the most successful shopping trip in my entire life. Karina picked out items that I wouldn't have previously gravitated towards, and having her by my side I was bolder in my own choices as we picked out items. I came out of that experience with what feels like a whole new wardrobe! The pieces I bought can be mix and matched so I have sooooo many outfit options ready to go when I'm rushing to get ready for work in the morning. My time with Karina has totally cut down my morning stress 'cause I know I can easily mix and match and head out the door. Plus, when I start to add another piece here or there, I know that one piece will equal multiple outfits.
As a sales person in a new role, feeling confident is paramount, and wearing my new wardrobe I feel classy, professional, and powerful. Working with Karina gave me the confidence boost I was looking for as I entered the next stage of my career. She taught me how to pair different items together, what colours to look for when I'm shopping, and the impact accessorizing can make with an outfit. I'm also the proud owner of my first proper belt lol. Thank you Karina for all that you did for me!! I am SO excited about clothing and fashion again, and playig dress-up in my closet.
You're the best :D